Garage Door Opener To Be Equipped With Backup Battery

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In 2017 after the devastating fire disaster a new legislation was made by senator Bill Dodd demanding that all residential garage door openers to have a battery backup. Because of this catastrophic event many individuals who were unable to open their garage doors or were unable to use the emergency release mechanisms ended their lives tragically.

Garage Door Openers with Battery Backup

Garage door automatic openers provide convenience to homeowners, but in order to gain maximum safety and security it must be equipped with a backup battery, which enables you to open and close your garage door even when the power is out due to a natural disasters and other weather related issues.

Choosing An Opener with Backup Battery Support

When buying a new garage door opener it’s a good idea to pick one that come with a backup battery, in California it is required by law. The average battery lets you open your garage door during a power outage and can power the door at least 10 times before you need to be charge it again.

Why You Should Replace Your Old Garage Door Opener?

If your current garage door opener model is old and outdated, if it lacks some modern safety features, it is time to upgrade your system with a new one that includes all advanced protection such as safety sensors and motion detectors. Not only it is mandatory by law, it will improve your safety and security in case of emergency or a disaster. It will also add value to your home while increasing energy efficiency.

Rolling Code Technology

Today’s marketplace has seen an increase in children’s toys being used maliciously in order to open residential garage doors making Rolling Code technology more important than ever before! This technology randomly generates unique codes each time you use your remote so whether someone attempts to intercept the signal they will not be successful because the code is being constantly changed all the time. With advanced Liftmaster’s Wi-Fi/MYQ smart app and patented Security+ 2.0 systems, users can now use their garage openers remotely with their smartphone offering unprecedented convenience while adding an extra layer of protection!