Stuck Garage Door? Try These Tricks To Get Things Moving Again

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Did your garage door has been stuck lately? You’re not alone, it is a common problem that many homeowners face and ca happen because of different issues. There are several tricks you can try yourself before calling a professional in order to get your garage door move again.

Check For Frozen Moving Parts

A common reason for a garage door to get stuck especially in colder states is ice. If your garage door feels stuck, try pouring hot water on the bottom edge to melt any ice and use silicon based lubricate and spray it over all moving pard like springs, hinges, brackets and rollers. This simple fix might help the door move again.

Check Your Remote Batteries

Before you start troubleshooting check the batteries on your remote control. Dead batteries are a common cause of stuck doors! Replacing them should be easy so if all else fails it’s worth giving them a try before calling in the professionals for help.

Test The Door By Hand

It’s also possible that your issue isn’t with the mechanics of the door itself its can be electrical issue. If you’re able to raise and lower the door by hand using its manual then this could point to an electrical fault like an unplugged opening.