Is It Safe To Leave A Garage Door Partly Open?

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It is quite common for many homeowners to leave their garage doors open for many different reasons whether it be partially or fully we risk in increasing the chances of experiencing unpleasant situations. When we think about it the primary function of a garage is to house your cars but also to store staff, some people also install a safe in the garage and store valuable items in it. Therefore each time you leave your garage door open you are expose to these:

Pests Infestations

In the hot summer months, lots of people are tempted to leave their garage doors open in order to let the cool breeze in and to increase ventilation. While this might seem like a good idea it lead to unwelcome animels in you garage. Rats, birds, opossums and racoons may see your unattended garage as an opportunity to find a refuge from the hot summer elements.

Once pests are in your garage the way into your home is short and it can be very difficult to eliminate them without the help of a professional exterminator. That is why it is very important to keep your garage door close in order to prevent infestations.

Burglars, Thieves and Home Invasions

Leaving your garage door open while your interior door to that connects to your garage is unlocked can put your home at a great risk and an easy target for intruders. Believe it or not garages are the main point of entry for many thieves in reported home burglaries, they climb under a partly open door and access an unlocked interior door. Garages are meant to provide an extra protection to your home and by leaving them unsecured and wide open increases risks. Always remember to lock the interior door and to keep your garage door closed, it can absolutely prevent theft.

For example here is the story of Paul’s garage

Paul was a Long Beach homeowner who left his garage door open while he drove his car out for servicing one hot summer afternoon with hopes of getting some cool air inside his house on his return. Unbeknownst to him however was that while he was gone someone had worked at the dealership’s repair shop who made an extra car key overnight whilst his car was there which meant when Paul left his partly opened garage door unattended this person had all necessary information required from Paul’s auto shop file allowing them easy access into Paul’s vehicle when he returned later that day . Thankfully he noticed what was happening before anything serious happened but unfortunately at least one case similar has already been reported so it pays to take extra precautionary measures like these when leaving any part of our homes unguarded!

To ensure your safety always disconnect your automatic opener or reprogram its remote prior leaving home – most systems take less than 60 seconds making it quick but extremely essential security step every time you decide on opening up any part of your property! Furthermore remember that with any partly opened up doorway comes opportunity – even the most experienced criminals could sneak up on you quickly by using small gaps available through those openings so if you do feel like taking advantage cooling breeze coming through during hot days please stay alert ensuring both interior/exterior entrance stays closed at all times – no matter how short-term!

Safer Alternative

There is a better solution to deal with hot weather than leaving your garage door partly open which is to upgrade it to a more energy efficient insulated garage door. It is not a cheap solution but in the long term it will pay off and while it helps to regulate the temperature more effectively it reduces your energy bills dramatically.